Our Programs

Now more than ever, kids are in need of social and emotional skills to help them efficiently manage all the challenges of life while also maintaining their mental health.

By learning to proactively manage their emotions, behaviors, relationships, and life's challenges our program participants can become thriving, caring, and impactful members of their community.

We provide group sessions while also aiming to educate family members, schools, and community organizations closely related to our participants so that the concepts we teach are also practiced and reinforced by those that have the biggest influence on their lives.

Some of the foundational skills and competencies taught through our program are:

    • Recognizing and managing emotions
    • Making responsible decisions
    • Mindfulness
    • Adapting to change
    • Handling and resolving challenging situations
    • Developing empathy and concern for others
    • Self-love
    • Confidence

Engaging Bilingual Programs

Our program is offered in both English and Spanish. Below is a sample lesson plan for each language. Our lessons are always done through engaging activities like games, art, music, storytelling, and more.

Sample Lesson Plan

Our lessons are always imparted in a safe and supervised environment through engaging activities like games, art, music, storytelling, and more.

Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

SEL is one of the main pillars of our programs. We follow CASEL's framework and core competencies: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.

These have been taught by many states and countries and have proven to promote “academic success, school and civic engagement, health and wellness, and fulfilling careers.”

  • Self-Awareness

    Knowing one's emotions, thoughts and values and recognize how they affect our behavior.

  • Self-Management

    Managing one's emotions, thoughts and behaviors to obtain, goals and aspirations.

  • Social awareness

    Understanding the perspective of others no matter how different they are from us.

  • Relationship skills

    Establishing and maintaining healthy and supportive relationships and dealing effectively with conflict.

  • Responsible decision-making

    Making responsible and mindful choices for self and others.

Character Development (CD)

Our second pillar, CD, is the process in which we cognitively, emotionally, and behaviorally teach kids to be ethical, responsible, and caring individuals. Character development is comprised of two parts:

  • Performance Traits

    These are built on “willing values” such as perseverance, diligence, and self-discipline.

  • Moral Traits

    Are the dispositions needed for ethical functioning and are more “relational”, like justice, cooperation, caring, and respect.

Community Effort

Community collaboration is a very important part of our program.

Through empowering schools, teachers, parents, and volunteers to help us build and customize the right programs for our children, we achieve a real sense of accomplishment through meaningful collaboration.

Our hope is to create lifelong friendships and partnerships in our programs and communities.

Upcoming Programs

Here's a calendar of our upcoming virtual sessions. Days with our group sessions will have a dot on them, click on it to get more details. All of our programs are bilingual and are offered in both English and Spanish. In addition to our ongoing SELCD programs, we also offer short-term group sessions covering topics such as:

  • Self-love
  • Friendships and Relationships
  • Identity
  • Equity and Empathy

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