Emotional Intelligence

Every child has the right to grow up happy, healthy, and fulfilled

Our programs empower children to maximize their potential by equipping them with the skills and mindset to succeed in life.


Our Goal

To help children and youth proactively manage their emotions, behaviors, relationships, and life's challenges to become thriving, caring, and impactful members of our society.

To achieve this goal, we help develop and promote the following skills and behaviors based on Social Emotional Learning and Character Development (SELCD):

  • Self-Awareness

    Self-Awareness &

    Teaching children how thoughts and emotions affect their behavior so they can constructively manage themselves and achieve their goals.

  • Social-Awareness

    Social-Awareness &
    Relationship Management

    Helping children understand different personalities, backgrounds, and perspectives in order to empathize with others and build relationships through effective communication and collaboration.

  • wise decision making

    Ethical, Responsible &
    Caring Decision Making

    Encouraging children to make decisions that not only benefits them but also those around them..


Social and Emotional Learning and Character Development

According to CASEL, “SEL is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.”

Decades of research studies demonostrate numerous benefits of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) among them:

  • Decline in students' anxiety, behavior problems, and substance use
  • Wise financial investment, for every $1 invested there is a return of $11
  • Long-term improvements in student's skills, attitudes, prosocial behavior, and academic performance
More research findings >
social and emotional learning
  • Self-Awareness

    Knowing one's emotions, thoughts and values and recognize how they affect our behavior.

  • Self-Management

    Managing one's emotions, thoughts and behaviors to obtain, goals and aspirations.

  • Social awareness

    Understanding the perspective of others no matter how different they are from us.

  • Relationship skills

    Establishing and maintaining healthy and supportive relationships and dealing effectively with conflict.

  • Responsible decision-making

    Making responsible and mindful choices for self and others.

What We Are About

We are a non-profit founded in New York City by passionate advocates of change. Our programs combine a safe and collaborative environment with enriching and engaging activities that provide the skills, knowledge, and mindset to help children and youth succeed in life while also learning to be positive members of society.

We work with schools and community organizations to implement SELCD in their curriculum and day-to-day life. More importantly, we work closely with parents to create an ecosystem that reinforces and models the lessons learned during our program.